Expected Modifications To Otter Swim Encounters
Guest Safety
We have worked diligently to establish modified interactions to ensure a safe and healthy guest experience. These measures are based on guidance from health authorities, including veterinary advice, the CDC, along with requirements of the state of California and San Diego County. Please follow all posted instructions while visiting Nurtured by Nature/Animal Educators.
Even with these modified measures in place, an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present, and we cannot guarantee you will not be exposed during your visit. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to the CDC, older adults and guests of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable. Guests should evaluate their risk in determining whether to visit.
By visiting Nurtured by Nature/Animal Educators, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.

What To Expect When You Visit
While it’s encouraging to see COVID-19 restrictions lifting, we can’t completely let our guard down yet. We will continue to enforce certain protocols to keep animals and guests safe. We want to be transparent which means we have created the following list that explains the changes we have made. This will give folks who feel like they would prefer not to visit under these conditions enough advanced notice to cancel within the posted cancellation timeline if they wish. Please understand that we are making the choices that we feel are BEST for the people AND the animals.
1. We ask anyone who is not feeling well, or are experiencing possible COVID19 symptoms, to notify us of your situation in advance and PLEASE stay home.
2. As of November 10, 2022 we have updated our Covid policy and will no longer be checking vaccination status. We will continue to require masks for specific animals, for the protection of guests, staff, AND otters. The Covid situation is fluid and ever changing, so this policy will be in effect until further notice. Our staff is fully vaccinated.
3. We no longer require guests to wear the full face snorkel mask while in the pool with the otters.
4. We have switched to a digital facility waiver that will need to be submitted online before visiting Nurtured by Nature/Animal Educators. This waiver will be emailed/texted to reservation holders the week before their scheduled visit and a completed form must be received for each guest before beginning their encounter.
5. We do not provide refreshments, however, you are welcome to bring your own snacks and we strongly recommend that you bring water to keep hydrated.
6. It will be important for guests to read, understand, and agree to all of the above requirements/changes before visiting Nurtured by Nature/Animal Educators. If you are unable, or unwilling, to abide by these precautions, please notify us at least 30 days before your reserved date to cancel so that we can provide a full refund.
7. We are no longer able to make exceptions to our posted cancellation policy (including but not limited to positive Covid tests, health or family emergencies, or last minute schedule changes). If you are concerned about qualifying for a cancellation/reschedule, please make sure to purchase travel insurance that will cover loss due to unexpected emergencies. If you still have questions that are not answered here or on our FAQ page, please feel free to contact us.